Saturday 31 December 2016

Happy New Year !!!

Happy New Year to everyone! (4 species of wild Begonia from different places of Borneo)

Wednesday 28 December 2016

The valley at my backyard (Dec.2016)

Begonia sp. "copper brown"

Bucephalandra "pearl grey"

Bulbo. orchid

Aridarum nicolsonii

Dipteris lobbiana (fern) 

Bucephalandra "pearl grey" growing on the wood

Sunday 25 December 2016

Visiting jungle in unusual "dry" raining season - part 2

Cryptocoryne auriculata "mottled leaf"

Homalomena insignis

Begonia cf phyrra

This sealing wax palm or lipstick palm,, Cyrtostachys renda is found abundantly in the peat swamp of Sarawak but human has destroyed most of them to plant oil palm from Africa.

Ooia secta

Hybrid of pitcher plant (Nep. mirabilis x rafflesiana)

Native women from Kalimantan Barat are carrying ginger roots & other agriculture product to walk across the border to Sarawak to sell it to local businessmen at the village near border. Salute to them for walking so many hours in the jungle just for earning a living.