Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Spectacular Iridescent jumping spider (Chrysilla lauta)

Female of Spectacular Iridescent jumping spider (Chrysilla lauta) from my garden. All the images are taken during the lockdown of our country during coronavirus outbreak in March, April & May 2020.

Male of Spectacular Iridescent jumping spider (Chrysilla lauta)

Another much bigger male of Spectacular Iridescent jumping spider (Chrysilla lauta)

Jungle near my home (March 2020)

Visiting the jungle near my home before lockdown.

Halfbeak (Hemirhamphodon bysuss )

Lepidothelphusa padawan

Begonia metallicolor

Nemacheilus saravacensis

Begonia kuchingensis

Stick insect


Pill millipede

Barbodes sealei

Homalomena humilis

Lepidothelphusa padawan

Lepidothelphusa padawan

Alocasia reversa

Lepidothelphusa padawan and Cryptocoryne striolata "green form".

Homalomena humilis