Thursday, 11 October 2012

plants from steep hill @ border

Hestia longifolia (aroid).

Gesneraid plant.
 Hestia longifolia (aroid).

Homalomena insignis (aroid).

Homalomena insignis (left) & Gesneraid plant grow together on the rocks.

Kacip fatimah (Labisia sp.)

Begonia sp.

Gesneraid plant.



  1. Great post! Nice change from the usual scenery. It's really nice how you incorporate pictures of some of the Begonias, Gesneriads, and mosses that grow around the Homalomena and other Aroids. I actually have a Homalomena insignis, which is an incredibly beautiful plant, pictures don't do it justice, so I'm really interested to see its natural habitat. Those gesneriads look pretty nifty too, love how they grow alongside each other!
