Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Back to heart of Borneo - part 2

Orchid, Collabium sp.

The hunting dogs & the pitcher plant, Nepenthes stenophylla from a mossy forest in the heart of Borneo. The hunting dogs followed us all the way up to the summit (4,000++ feet).

Vanda sp.

Begonia sp. B

Corybas sp.

New Schismatoglottis sp. grow near the waterfall

During the ancient time of Borneo, Chinese merchants from China travelled very far inland to trade with local tribe....& local tribe "bought" their jars for bury their ancestors' skulls, bones & belonging. Barter system was popular at that time. Chinese would exchange their jars/clay pots with local tribes for jungle products & others.

Homalomena sp.

Wet paddy field & grassland are common scene in the highland of northern Sarawak. It is a paradise on earth.

Wild ginger

Stick insect

Wild ginger

Begonia sp. A "spotted leaf"

Picnic near waterfall

Rajah brooke butterfly

Begonia sp. A


Phal. amabilis


  1. Any idea what kind of orchid that is in the second photo? It's beautiful! Is it a terrestrial species or does it just look like that in the photo? Sorry, I'm no orchid expert.
