It was a wonderful week to bring my friend from French to see flora & fauna in the peat swamp, Kerangas forest & Hill Dipterocarp forest of Sarawak.
Orang Utan (Pongo pygmaeus)
Sunda flying lemur (Galeopterus variegatus)
Flower pecker
Blue-eyed Anglehead Lizard Gonocephalus liogaster
Trigonopoma pauciperforatum
Orang Utan (Pongo pygmaeus)
Paedocypris micromegethes, the smallest fish in Sarawak.

Silvery lutung/silver leaf monkey (Trachypithecus cristatus)
Fruit bat
Proboscis monkey or long-nosed monkey (Nasalis larvatus)
False gharial (Tomistoma schlegelii)
Rasbora kottelati
Silvery lutung/silver leaf monkey (Trachypithecus cristatus)
Betta brownorum
False gharial (Tomistoma schlegelii)
Paedocypris micromegethes, the smallest fish in Sarawak
6 banded barb
Betta brownorum
False gharial (Tomistoma schlegelii)
Orang Utan (Pongo pygmaeus)
Silvery lutung/silver leaf monkey (Trachypithecus cristatus)
Blue-eyed Anglehead Lizard (Gonocephalus liogaster)
Proboscis monkey or long-nosed monkey (Nasalis larvatus)
Silvery lutung/silver leaf monkey (Trachypithecus cristatus)
Proboscis monkey or long-nosed monkey (Nasalis larvatus)