Begonia andersonii
Artocarpus sp. (related to Nangka fruit) from limestone forest.
Begonia punchak
Begonia corrugata
Cryptocoryne striolata "brown"
Rhinocochlis nasuta (green snail)
Cryptocoryne striolata "apple green" from freshwater swamp at limestone outcrop.
I always confuse of Begonia serapatensis and Begonia punchak cos both species are from limestone hills near my home....and they looks a bit similar to each others. Only the flower can tell the difference. This one is B. punchak.
Artocarpus sp. (related to Nangka fruit) from limestone forest. The fruit looks like a bee hive. Cute ya?
First time found Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi (orchid) grows at the base of the tree trunk.....on the top part of limestone cliff.
The seedling of Begonia punchak.
Slipper orchid, Paphiopedilum stonei
Dossinia marmorata
Slipper orchid. P. stonei.
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