Tuesday 9 August 2022

Julan Fall - the Mother of all the waterfalls in Sarawak (part 2)

Day 2: We slowly ascending from the hilly forest to the foothill of Usun Apau plateau. This time we were hiking in shaded secondary forest in an abandoned logging area but we could not walk fast as the bushes are as tall as a man. Our local friends took so much effort to clear the trail so that we could move to our next camp near to the Julan Fall. At the same time, leeches giving us a "warm welcome"

The short journey of 5.9km took us about 6 to 7 hours to camp 2. The trail is full of native thorny palm called "Rattan" (Calamus spp.) & the hooks are super sharp which can tear off our clothes or flesh easily.
Halfway of our journey, on the top of a hill, we saw the 2 famous waterfalls of Usuan Apau: Eastern Julan Fall on the left & Julan Fall (also known as Western Julan Fall) on the right & in between got another smaller waterfall without name. The thunderous sound of waterfall can be heard very loudly & clearly at this point. Later, my friend took a drone video & photo of these 3 beautiful waterfalls & he will post in social media soon. (stay tune for this awesome view from drone)
About 2 to 2.30pm, we reached the camp 2. We left our backpacks on the top of a hill & heading to the majestic Julan Fall which is "not far away" according to our guide so I didn't bring torch light with me. I just brought my Olympus camera & water filter only. Later I felt regret of not bringing my headlamp cos I fell down to a slippery rock in almost total darkness.
.....to be continued.


Our hammock

Scindapsus sp. (aroid)

The burrow of unknown land crab next to my hammock.

Begonia sp.

Another unknown Begonia.

Sonerila sp.

Begonia sp.

Camp 2

Bulbophyllum dearei (orchid)

Probably Ibanum sp. ??? (land crab)

Stick insect (Necroscia punctata)

Camp 1

Stick insect (Necroscia punctata)

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